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What Factors Affect the Cost of a Business Going Solar?

If you are considering solar panels installarion or solar roofing for your home or business then you already know that this is a great decision for both yourself and for the good of the planet, but maybe you are unsure about how much it is going to cost you. The truth is, that the cost can vary greatly depending on a few different factors.

Your Location and Roof
The optimal building for solar panels is one that is in the open and receives a lot of sunlight. As well, an angled roof helps your business or home solar panel catch much more light. Roofs that are more obstructed or flat may need more panels and some extra scaffolding, which will cost a bit more money, but we guarantee that making the switch will still be worth it in the long run.

Equipment Quality 
Solar panels for home or business, just like any other product out there, come in a range of qualities and costs. Now of course, you can get cheaper solar panels, but the quality will probably also suffer and you will end up spending more on repairs and replacements in the long term. At Solarwerks, we are a serious solar panel installer, and we make sure to only
the highest quality products from trusted suppliers, so you know you are getting the best value for your money.

As you do your research, we advise you to be cautious with a solar company if they are offering exceptionally cheap rates for solar roofing. Cheap might sound good at first, but investing in better products now will help you save money in the long run, as well as reap the most benefits from solar energy.

When You Make the Switch
Since 2021, there are a range of monetary incentives such as tax credits, and even actual grants, that can help you install solar panels on your home or business. However, as more people consider a business and home solar panel, these grants and tax credits are likely to become less and less common, meaning you should make the investment as soon as you can! As your trusted solar panel installer, we would be thrilled to help you get the most benefits from your solar panel installation.

How Much Energy You Generate and Use
At first, investing in solar panel installation can seem expensive and daunting, but it is important to think about the long term benefits and return investment. Over time, not only will the solar panel system pay for itself, but it may actually make you extra money! If you do not use all of the energy your solar panels produce, you can sell it back to the grid using a program called net metering.

Speak With a SolarWerks Consultant Today
Here at Solarwerks Solar Company we have your best interest in mind and want to help you get the best value for your money. Speak with one of our team members today to help you understand your options and the costs for solar panels and solar roofing on your building. We look forward to working with you on your journey to clean energy!

If you are ready to invest in a better future, contact us so one of our friendly advisors can get you a quote for solar panel installation. The best time to make the switch is now! Call us today.

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